Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sport Card Holiday Lists Tips: How To "Influence" Others

I would think by now my lovely wife would know better than to leave the Walmart shopping list up to me, but hey, I don't mind putting one together especially around this time of year.

As Christmas approaches, many of us sport card collectors are making lists for others and checking our lists twice from them. but me, I am "influencing" a list whenever the opportunity shows itself.

You wonder what I talking about, well, I am about to teach you. Before reading on, I recommend you don't let your spouse, mother, father or whoever you are making this "influential" list for see how I do this. It could ruin the effectiveness for you.

Watch how I turn my wife's quick Walmart shopping list into a Christmas list or a card pickup list in general. This isn't something I made up just now. I REALLY do this and I must say that it's 75% effective that you will get cards in return. It's the humor of it all.

First off, DO NOT EVER start or end your list with a card want. This must be treated like a sandwich, keep the bread (the boring stuff) on the outside and make the fillings the best!

So I ask my wife, what do we need. (By the way, she EXPECTS these kind of answers and accepts them. She likes the hobby, doesn't collect, but joins in busting packs)

First two are I am calling Blah, Blah because I like said, you need those "crusts of the list."

Then she says,
What would you like for supper just write it down and I will pick up the ingredients to make it.

I put,
I would love some Panini! I like the Classic or Prizm version.


She then says, where was that box of crackers located that you liked so much. It would make it so much easier for me to find if I knew the location.

I write down
The crackers I like are on the Topps shelf next to the Chrome.

She follows that up with, family is coming up this weekend, make sure to put down the beer they like. My wife and I don't drink so alcohol isn't something we have on hand so we always pick it up. You know, good hosts.

I write down,
Bowman Draft. They like the 8-10 pack.


Then you throw them off with an obvious card write down by putting something you really want, 2014 Topps Mega Football box for me.


Finally, I end my card shopping list with one more jab when she asks, what was the name of that cologne you ran out of?

I write down, The Fairfield Company. Comes in a variety pack.


And this was just one list. I have done many and used many different approaches depending on what we need to pickup. Like I said, this is something that can be done all of the time when you know they are going shopping in a store selling sports cards.

Let me know if you give this a try and how it works for you. By the way, my wife is heading to do this trip in a few days, I will let you know how effective it was this time :)

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