Friday, July 7, 2023

Seinfeld Customs

Once again, Greg over at Nine Pockets blog made some cool customs and printed them off to give away.

I was fortunate to be able to land a couple from his giveaway despite my constant battle with trying to comment on everyone’s blogs. For some reason or another, my phone keeps signing me out of blogger every time I comment and then won’t allow me to comment as anonymous. But here is the kicker, that’s not for all of the blues I read and comment on, only a few!

So keep that in mind, I am still reading your stuff, just can’t always comment because of this.

Despite my issue, which I addressed to Greg in an email, he was as awesome as his custom work and sent me a couple for my Seinfeld PC.

These look great and I am happy to add these to my collection.

Thanks again to Greg for the customs. If you haven’t checked out his blogs or his customs, just follow his blog link I included above.

Thoughts below on today’s mail day welcomed!

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