Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Not A Croc

When the Croc writes on Crocodile Sports Cards about giving you free cereal issued baseball cards, he isn't lying.

It is not a Croc.
I got this 1993 Post Collectors Series in the mail yesterday with no plans of opening it. I own a couple cards, literally two, from the set already but when I get sealed sets, I usually keep them that way.

I don't want it to get ruined.

I have always liked food issued cards, and the food they came with of course. Wished they would bring them back now especially with the popularity of cards.

Thanks again to Crocodile Sports Cards for the mail day and latest set to my set collection.

If you haven't checked out his blog yet, do so above by following the link I added.

Let me know in comments if you keep sets like this sealed or what you do with them.


  1. Food issues are some of my favorite cards. I like that Fleming has a Rookie Star designation after his great 1992 season.

    1. Yes, I remember these being a year off for the rookie year. Of course now-a-days its hard in baseball to know what is a rookie card anymore

  2. I'll probably keep mine sealed as well. No need to open it when there's no space to display them.
