Sunday, December 31, 2023

End Of 2023

It's late, I know.

And I am not usually someone who stays up late on New Years Eve, but I felt like I couldn't go to sleep without putting up some kind of year end post like most bloggers have.

In the past, I have put up a post recapping my best pulls of the year. Well, I opened no hobby boxes and very little retail this year and there wasn't anything special to post about. Literally nothing.

Other times I would post about my best card from a trade of the year, but I can't think of one card that really stood out above the others I acquired this year. It was a down year for trading.

So, what will I post about? Well, it won't be about my hobby financial woes of 2023 or how I didn't reach my goal of 1,000 Eli Mannings by years end or how I didn't complete any of the sets I wanted to or open any of the wax I had hoped for.

I want this year to end out on a positive note.

I want to look at the positive parts of 2023 in my hobby.

For one, I closed the gap on getting to 1,000 Eli Mannings. I was well over one hundred away and I got it all the way down to three.

Two, I got caught up on a lot of sorting. Some of those cards sat around for a year and a half!!

Three, I was able to finally begin my binder numbering project. This was a project I had wanted to accomplish for so many years and finally took time to do some of it.

Four, I was able to re-organize my card area and move things into better positions where I can access stuff quicker. This was big as a lot of my stuff was hard to access and now trading can come easier when opportunities arise.

And finally, the biggest highlight was being able to write for BCW Supplies and Beckett online. Speaking of which, here is my latest article on Beckett, 1996 Topps Chrome Football , if you haven't read it yet. Please check it out!

This may not seem like a lot of positive, but it's something and something to grow off of for 2024.

Oh, and just to have a card for this post. This is technically the last card that came in the mail to me in 2023. It's a 2023 Certified Piece Of The Game Saquon Barkley jersey card /50. I always have had a fondness for die cut team names with the jersey swatches within the letters.

I hope all of you stay safe tonight, make smart decisions and that you will be around to read a new post on here for tomorrow.

Happy New Year, God Bless and here is hoping that 2024 is better for all of us!


  1. Happy New Year and here's to more SCC!

    1. Thanks and hope to see you along for the ride!

  2. That's one sharp jersey card. Totally agree about those die cut with team names or numbers. Always enjoyed them. Hope 2024 brings even more!
