Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Breakin Wax: 2014 Panini Classics Baseball Pack Break

I was pretty excited to have found a pack of 2014 Panini Classics in my last Collector Crate. This was a product I had wanted to try especially after finding out that Panini revived the brand. Now, I knew it wouldn't be the same without MLB logos, but I thought Panini did a decent job and I think the pack I got was pretty good as well.

Here were the results.

In each pack of 2014 Panini Classics baseball are eight cards. Those eight cards should consist of Legends, Veterans and Rookies. Hopefully every pack would give you a variety of each.

Two rookies:

A pretty sweet Timeless Tributes parallel numbered to 25. A pretty nice pull in a one pack break.

Bonus insert of October Heroes. We all know that Pablo is one of those.
Overall, other than pulling an autograph or jersey card, I think this was a good one pack break. It left me wanting more.


  1. I wish it consisted on all legends and no current players and rookies.

    1. That would make it fun. But I think they have the other products they do such as the Hall Of Fame one they save for just the Legends

  2. Love the clean design. I could even venture in baseball lol
