Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sweet Upper Deck NPN Mail Day 6/10!!!

Check out what arrived in the mail recently..a dual autograph #'d 6/10 from Upper Deck's NPN program from their 2012 University of Alabama product.

Out of the many mailings I have had from their NPN program, this by far exceeds the rest. I have seen some incredible pull ins from the NPN but this by far is mine.


Let me know your thoughts on this card and the Upper Deck NPN program! Whats the best NPN card you have ever gotten?

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in this card. Would you be willing to trade/sell it?

    Please email myself at ehaw058@hotmail.com. You can check out my feedback on Ebay (37bamagreats55) if you have any questions regarding my validity.

    Thank you -

