Friday, March 31, 2017
Wrappers Of Collecting Past:2001 Topps Series 1
Today we jump back to 2001 to Topps baseball that was celebrating it's 50th anniversary. A golden one that comes with a golden wrapper.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
The Prizes Are Stacking Up!
On Sunday, the official start of the MLB Pick Em promotion begins on Sport Card Collectors with the first week of picks for the month of April being due by Friday.
Now just because the promotion hasn't officially started, doesn't mean the prizes haven't.
As you can see in the pics, I have begun what I call a Topps Locker where I have begun putting in autographs, jersey cards, numbered cards, parallels, and inserts from my reviews so far this year and from some last year for whoever wins the World Series of Pick Em on here!
That's only half of the prizes as you have got to remember that BCW has some nice stuff as well monthly and at the end.
So if you haven't signed up yet, there is still time. You can also enter at any point throughout the season but remember you may need to play catch up if you don't enter from the start but you would at least be in it to win monthly prizes.
So good luck to all that enter and most of all, have fun!
Customer Service At It's Best
A few months ago long before the season ended, Victor Cruz, yes the now former Giants WR, tweeted out a pic of some signed items he had done with his new partnership with Gillette and made it sound like those items would be available for fans who put dibs in on them.
So obviously without question I was going to say dibs on one of them. I really wanted the mini helmet.

Eli's Picks: 2013 Panini Rookies And Stars Longevity Parallel
One other thing that you can't see very well because of the angle I took this picture, is the football Eli is holding is a Salute To Service one. My grandfather was in World War 2 so it kinda made a connection to me as a salute to him. He passed a long time ago from PTSD.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Hobby Topic:2017 MLB Rookie Card Class
Leave a comment or thought below on the following.
Today's Topic is
Please make sure it's clean for our younger audience.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The Time I Met Lee Rouson
Honestly, at the time, I had no idea who Lee Rouson was and had to do some research on him. I found out he played in the NFL for 7 years. He backed up Joe Morris and was a beast on Special Teams winning Special Teams Player Of The Year in 1986. He has two Super Bowl rings with the Giants and was a big contributor in Super Bowl XXI vs Denver to help lead them to a win.
But most importantly, he is an associate pastor who travels as an motivational speaker for Sports World Ministries and goes all over the U.S. to churches and schools.
After I read all of that, I wanted to meet him even more so I attended the event.
The problem I had was, I was star stuck. Never really having ever met a NY Giant since I understood football, I was all over him trying to get an autograph. Score a picture. Stare at him like a stalker. Anything I could do to take in the moment. Then I heard him speak which changed my tune.
He put out an incredible message to all of us who were there. After he was done, he then waited for everyone to meet him for pictures and signed items. I thanked him for his amazing message, he even showed me his Super Bowl ring bling, then I got my photo taken with him (it's framed in my man cave) and was handed one of these,

Monday, March 27, 2017
Worst Autograph Ever?
Sunday, March 26, 2017
REVIEW:2017 Topps Opening Day (DECENT PULL)
But, the feel of the product makes you think you are at the ballpark. It's got all of the necessities. The players, the mascots, the ceremonies, the celebrations and even the food. If you are looking at snow on the ground still like I am or even have bare ground, Topps Opening Day will make you a personal promise that you will feel baseball is on the way.
So let's get to ripping this product and get that warm feeling of cracking bats and the smell of fresh cut grass.

- Opening Day 1/1
- Edition that falls 1:14,256 packs
- Printing Plates 1/1 that fall 1:3,269 packs

4 cards that fall 1:288 packs and MLB Wacky Packages have 9 cards and fall 1:1,169 packs. Really significant odds to chase there.
Opening Day Autographs have 16 cards and fall 1:654 packs. Mascots Autographs have 6 cards and fall 1:747 packs. Mascots Relics have 5 cards and fall 1:2,097 packs. Stadium Signatures Autographs have 17 cards and falls 1:17,820 packs And finally, there is Opening Day Relics with 10 cards and falls 1:525 packs
Overall, with that box price and all that there is to chase, you really can't go wrong busting a box even if just for fun. There is definitely a lot of fun to find in here.
Obviously this isn't for the big hit seekers, but it's a fun product that covers kids of all ages. I am including adults in that.
If you are looking for an affordable MLB product to offer a kid that is interested in joining the hobby, I am sure this would be an easy winner that's not too complicated to figure out and has some fun chases.
Giants In The Mail: A Trade With Dub Mentality
When I went to check out @DubMentality for any new posts he may have put up, I suddenly remembered he had once posted a Sterling Shepard autograph he had for sale I needed. So I looked back through his tweets and came across the card assuming it had sold. Well, come to find out, it hadn't. He had a good deal on the card but once again, my budget isn't currently allowing me to buy any cards.
So I inquired about doing a possible trade and luckily he agreed that was fine. It also didn't take long before I was able to work something out with him. He was very easy to trade with which alone in itself is awesome.
The card I had wanted was this cool 2016 Panini Origins on-card autograph of Sterling Shepard. It's a card I have wanted for awhile now. And of course any addition of Sterling Shepard is a plus as this guy showed a ton of potential this season and should only build off from it next year with the addition of Brandon Marshall alongside Odell. I expect him see plenty of targets with defenses focused on those two.
Sunday's With Rodney:1992 Action Packed 24-Karat Gold
It's one of the missing few I need from the early 90's and a tough parallel to chase. At least with all of the busting I did of these I never came across any. The odds weren't given either and were just found randomly.
The only thing that separates this from a base card is the added gold and the words 24-karat written under Action Packed.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
#SCC5YR Panini Prize Pack Winner!
Well, the way I look at it, it's their loss and someone elses gain. The biggest surprise of the contest, was the winner. Not only did they enter their guess second out of everyone, but they are also first time winners. So that's exciting.
Here are the results. The number on the left represents the amount of comments and the number on the right is the amount of views.
I'll guess 499 views. I love your reviews (and the contests aren't bad, either, though I've yet to win one).
Mail Day Saturday:Got Hit By A 2x3
Being a big non-sport collector, something my blog name doesn't admit to, I snatched up the one lot with what appeared to be a bunch of celeb goodness and I confirmed that yesterday when the package arrived.
Inside was everything I thought I could spot from the picture and even more. I was pretty happy with my findings so let's take a look.
Up first, some 2015 Americana set needs. I am hoping this will narrow down what I need. I haven't published the post on this blog yet, but I was able to pickup a marked down box of 2015 Americana that provided me with my biggest hit in awhile but also got me started on a set I hope to complete. I should be posting that break in the next week or two.

Big Blue Collections Part 1: Dollar Store Snag
Today's item, is something I found while wondering through a local dollar store.
When I go into the dollar store, I am usually in there with a purpose looking for specific items such as paper products, cleaners, sports cards, gift bag, shipping items, etc. Like how I threw in sports cards ;)
Anyways, once in a great while, I will stumbled upon other things that catch my eye. Usually, I avoid looking at sports items in any store as locally it's normally Patriots flooded. *Gag* but this time was different. In the middle of that Patriots pile sat a stack of these NY Giants soft Franklin footballs.
As with most NY Giants collectible I can actually find, I snagged it. I don't buy as much as I used to because of not only the budget, but because I am running out of room and tote space to store it.
Here is the dollar store find. The first third has the old Giants logo so you know this ball has probably been around for awhile,

The second third of the football. Made by Franklin, nice!

And the final third has the usual stuffed item info

Mail Day Saturday:A Priestly Appearance
Today's on card offering comes in at only a $4 cost and of a solid named actor in Jason Priestly.
Friday, March 24, 2017
BASEically Awesome Part 2: 2002 Topps American Pie Spirit Of America Part 2 Vol. 3
Today, we look at American Treasures. Names that all of us will never forget for many different reasons.

You know what kinda eyes she has....

President Gerald Ford not hiding anything

And Bill Clinton taking a ride. Yes, this one could leave to many puns and I have a few myself. But, I will leave it to your imagination.