Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ONLY One More To Go!

For anyone who has ever chased a sport card rainbow, you know the struggle is real.

Usually the struggle is finding the lowest numbered cards.

That isn't the case in my chase for the complete 2022 Score Kenny Golladay rainbow.

I already had the 1/1. I already had the /6. I had both /10s.

But, what I didn't have, is the /99 and the /399.

You would think with as many packs as many rip now-a-days that it would be easy to find the higher numbered needs.

It's not.

Finally with some two-years of patience, one of the final two popped up.

The Electric /99 parallel looks as stunning as the name states.

And fills in the empty gap that I had nicely.

Now onto finding the last missing piece. Just hoping it doesn't take two-years like this one did.

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