Sunday, June 30, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:2023 Absolute Historical Duals Autograph Rodney Hampton/Ottis Anderson Gold /10

Well, I just realized I forgot to post a new Rodney's Cardboard this week. Since it's really late, past 11pm where I am and I need to get to bed, I thought I would still sneak a post in and make it a quick one so I don't disappoint those of you who still read this blog and check out my Rodney Hampton collection.

I really wished more of you would return back, read and comment again!

Today's card comes thanks to Shane from Cheap Wax Wednesday fame continues my rainbow chase for 2023 Absolute Historic Duals and now it brings me down to just needing the 1/1 and the /5 purple. I have yet to see the purple pop up, but I have seen the 1/1 leave in the hands of another collector on eBay already. It doesn't stop me from hoping they re-list it or that I just stick to chasing the purple and forget about the top dog in the chase. Because when it comes to Rodney, it's about getting all that I can.

Thoughts on my latest add and if you have seen the purple /5 welcomed in comments.

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