Sunday, March 23, 2025

Rodney's Cardboard:2024 Topps Chrome Chase

Hey! It's been a while since the last Rodney's Cardboard, so it's time for another!

This one I have been kind of saving up for a while as you will tell by the photo roll below.

2024 Topps Chrome added Rodney Hampton to its base card lineup and with that alone being said, he has a ton of refractors to chase. Such as 36 of them. It's crazy.

Though I have done really well adding them, there is still a way to go!

Here is an updated picture of what I have so far,

This is a red wave /5 which is my toughest add so far. This one came thanks to a Twitter RAK!

Not only was Rodney added to Topps Chrome, but he is also found in Topps Chrome Sapphire as well. That's a lot of Rodney! Oh, did I mention he is in 2024 Finest as well with autographs? Yeah, this Rodney Hampton collector is excited but knows the challenges ahead. I just missed out on the 1/1 Topps Chrome Sapphire card. Very sad times and it went cheap.

More Rodney to come including my Finest adds next Sunday. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Go Give Them Some Love

If you are reading this tonight, go give my other two blogs some love and drop them a follow (subscribe to!!)

This blog has 184 followers so I know not everyone is following the other two.

Cards Over Coffee 72 Followers (giveaway at 100 followers)

Big Blue Cardboard 31 Followers (giveaway at 50 followers)


Also, once this blog hits 200 followers I will be doing a giveaway!! So, spread the word!

Thanks everyone!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Picture Of The Week: Week 1

Good Morning!

I originally started this segment on Cards Over Coffee blog but it wasn't quite getting the views I think it might see on here.

So, here comes a new segment that will only be featured on Mondays.

I am hoping these pictures will be a breathtaking way to kick off your week!
I hope you enjoy and have a great week!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Rodney's Cardboard: A 2023 Chasing

It's Sunday which means another NEW Rodney's Cardboard.

Today, I am doing things a little different. I am doing a recap kind of post of my 2023 chases for Rodney and how far I am with each chase (as of this article which was typed up on February 4th so others may have been added by now)

There is still much to go for some, but here is what I have for now.
2023 Spectra

2023 Topps Composite Resurgence

2023 Absolute Historic Duals with Ottis Anderson (full rainbow completed)

2023 Topps Composite Amped Up Relic/Auto

2023 Topps Motif Autographs

2023 Topps Motif Base

2023 Panini National Treasures Autographs

And that's it for now.

I will keep doing these check-ins for Rodney this year for both my 2023 and 2024 Rodney Hampton chases. Next time focusing on each one of these separately.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday! God Bless.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

13-Year Blogversary Post

13 years ago today, I took a dive into the world of blogging.

And even though the landscape of blogging in general has changed and so hasn't mine when it comes to blogging, here I am still chugging away with new posts.

I didn't do a lot of posts in Year 12 of this blog as I technically retired it last year, but just like Brett Favre I just couldn't stay away. I needed to come back for more and will probably stay on for more in Year 14? Will there be more in Year 14 than it was in Year 13? I will have to see how much time I have.

So, as with every passing year on here, let's take a look at the blog numbers from last year and previous years.

Year One, Sport Card Collectors blog had 68,169 overall views. 695 Twitter Followers and 118 Facebook LIKES.

Year Two, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 205,240 overall views, 2,206 Followers on Twitter and 147 Facebook LIKES.

Year Three, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 340,841 overall views, 3,576 Followers on Twitter and 159 Facebook LIKES.

Year Four, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 483,217 overall views, 4,494 Followers on Twitter and 431 Facebook LIKES.

Year Five, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 679,331 overall views. 5,325 Twitter Followers and 541 Facebook LIKES.

Year Six, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 952,540 overall views. 6,272 Twitter Followers and 627 Facebook LIKES.

Year Seven, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 1,268,414 overall views. 7,120 Twitter Followers and 815 Facebook LIKES.

Year Eight, Sport Card Collectors blog grew to 1,595,972 overall views. 8,353 Twitter Followers and 1291 Facebook LIKES before I ended the page. 

Year Nine, Matt's Wonderful Blog Of Hobbies grew to 1,814,262 overall views.  9,763 Twitter Followers and 780 Instagram Followers

Year Ten, Sport Card Collectors grew to 2,029,117 overall views.  10.9K Twitter Followers, 1427 Facebook LIkes and 1095 Instagram Followers

Year Eleven, Sport Card Collectors grew to 2,611,826 overall views.  13.2K Twitter Followers, 1500 Facebook LIkes, 1600 followers, and 1119 Instagram Followers

Year Twelve, Sport Card Collectors grew to 2,913,153 overall views.  13.6K Twitter Followers, 1500 Facebook Likes, 1600 followers, Blusky has 291 followers and 1087 Instagram Followers (lost a few)

Not as much growth last year, but that's expected with the lack of posts. However, I am still on the track to hit 3 million views which would make for a really cool milestone.

In comments, let me know if you would like to see more new posts on this blog. This may sound like a silly question, but I am being serious. 

Hope everyone has a great day and once again, thanks for coming by to read.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Going Into March Like...

January is over
February is over

And now March is coming along with warmer temperatures, this blog's anniversary and my birthday.

I am going into March like.....

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Cards From Tom

Tom from The Angels, In Order recently was giving away some cards for others to claim.

I have been a long-time reader of his blog and when I saw the post, I had to at least see what he was offering.

I don't claim anything that I cannot use in my collection. I know some people just claim cards to claim cards, but I am not like that (this makes reference towards people on Twitter specifically). 

I find cards that fit some part of my PC.
How about a Robin Hood card featuring Morgan Freeman?

Or a Will Scarlett sticker from Robin Hood?

The next three cards I just thought looked cool, so I claimed them.

It still makes them PC.

OG Superman base card. I will always accept cards like this.

And anyone who knows me...knows I....

will always take Batman cards. I mean he is the greatest superhero ever.

Thanks goes out to Tom for his generosity!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Feeling Mystical

I have found out that posting your wants is a good idea on the blogosphere.

Because you just never know when a reader will have what you need.

When I posted my Unfinished Cup segment post about 2024 Topps Update Mystical on Cards Over Coffee, reader and fellow blogger Stuart who runs S.R. '75 Cards blog, commented saying that he had some help for my set chase.

So, we began emailing back and forth working on a trade. Before I could even begin on my end, he already sent out cards on his end.

Here are five more down for my set chase,

Here is what remains in my set chase (click this sentence). This is still such a massively big set, and I still have a way to go.

Thanks again to Stuart. I haven't forgotten about you. Life is starting to slow down a little more so hopefully can hit you back soon.

If anyone else has help for my chase, just drop me a comment or email to

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I Wanted It Because It Looked Cool

Sometimes you just want a card, not because of the player, but because of the design or because it just simply "looked cool".

This card I got from Johnny's Trading Spot was exactly why I wanted it.
I am not sure what it is with comic books, space or dinosaur designed cards combined with a sport, but I really like those ones and will add them of whomever.

It's sort of a side PC.

Not that Jackson Holliday being a decent player isn't a bonus with this one.

Thanks again to Johnny for his generosity as always!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rodney's Cardboard:2023 Topps Composite Grounded Superfractor 1/1

Last Sunday of February and I had to bring the fire!

This is the first Superfractor in Rodney Hampton history and guess who owns it and the entire run of the rainbow?? Yup...ME!

And this also marks only my second super in my entire overall collection.

I will have to gather all of these together when I get the chance so they can take a family photo together.

This card came thanks to an assist from Shane from Cheap Wax Wednesday fame!

I have another Rodney's Cardboard post coming up this week, so stay tuned for that!