Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Eli Manning #1,134-1,144

 It's time to roll out some more new Eli Mannings.

This one is another Black Friday that's /50 

A nice dual relic with a patch of Daniel Jones to /49

They ate me lucky charms! 1/1 Proof. My first St.Patricks day card.

Another new one of these 2024 Elite cards for my run.

I have never owned one of these before, kinda different.


Now onto some Haunted spooky cards....

(this is a 1/1!!)

And the biggie of the post....

Looks spectacular? Am I right? And it's /25!!

That does it for all of my latest/newest Eli Mannings! I am officially caught up with these posts.

But we all know, more Eli's will be on their way at some point.

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