Friday, July 21, 2023

Johnny’s Generous

With my phone acting up most of the time now, it makes it really hard to comment on a lot of blogs. There are only a select few my phone will let me comment on even as anonymous and one of those blogs is Johnny's Trading Spot.

I am fortunate on that though as Johnny has continued to do his nightly giveaways with his never ending generosity and never ending stamps it seems.

I had gone through a long winless streak until last week where I won twice! I received one of those mail days a few days ago so thought I would show it off here.

First four cards feature two of former Giants QB Dave Brown. I am probably the only person on earth who is still collecting him.

Vintage G-men are always great. Always need help in that area of my Gmen collection.

I have a copy of this card, but don't mind another. 1997 Upper Deck football has one of the best rookie photo shoots ever. Go ahead and look up some of the cards from that set.

Two new cards for the Hilliard collection. This was back when Gold Label was a good product, I don't like the new Topps stuff. You can't ever beat an original.

Another new card for Hilliard and it's a 90's insert, that's my sweet spot.

Eli! I realize more and more how much he meant to the G-men after watching this team since he left.

Thanks again to Johnny for this Giants mail day and for all of his generosity. I know I appreciate it and so does rest of the hobby.

If you haven't yet, check out Johnny's blog with the link I posted above for almost new posts daily. See some great cards and maybe you will win some too!

(by the way, I also put up a new post on Cards Over Coffee you should check out on Monopoly Prizm basketball you can see HERE)

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