Sunday, February 18, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:1995 Topps Mystery Refractor With Rare Peel

Happy Sunday to you all!

Who wants to check out the latest Rodney Hampton card addition to my super PC?

You do!! Well, that's good because here it is!

Today's card is a bit of a rare one. You don't find these too often if not at all.

In 1995, Topps included Mystery Finest and Mystery Finest Refractors in their flagship product. With these being a Mystery card, you didn't normally get to see the card or player until you peel off the black covering.

However, my latest Rodney find, it doesn't have the usual black peeling you would find on those cards. Instead, it has the usual Finest Do Not Peel covering. It's a rare unique card and I have no intention of peeling it off. 

The back of the card is the same along with the front image and refractor. It's just got the Do Not Peel instead of the black covering which makes this one a one of a kind.

This may be one of the most unique and nicest looking oddballs in my Rodney collection and I am not sure if there will ever be another oddball that will top it.

This card arrived to me at Christmas time thanks to my friend Wes, formally of Area40 blog who found it.

Let me know your thoughts on the card in comments and if you have ever seen one before.

Hope you have had a great day!

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