Friday, February 23, 2024

Grady Box Onslaught Of Shiny

I don't have a lot to say, I am just going to let the cards do the talking for me.

My latest Grady mail day was quite shiny...

And these were just some of that shine. Believe me, there was plenty more.

Thanks again to Grady for these occasional mail day pick me ups. Always look forward to them as they help me get through another day.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Throwpack Thursday:1992 Wild Card Decision

Welcome to the second Throwpack Thursday!

I said I would plug these in when I had time to do so.

Today's pack comes thanks to blog reader Oren who sent me some packs at Christmas time.

With Presidents being celebrated a few days ago, I thought why not keep the celebration with a presidential product.
1992 Wild Card Decision came with 8 cards per pack. Well, mine came with more. The 100-card product covers the candidates, the issues and love for Ross Perot.

In 1992 I wouldn't have opened any of this product as my cares were more about Darkwing Duck than politics. But, now I find it fun and I still really like Darkwing Duck.

Here is how my pack break went.
It started off with Bill Clinton, then came the brick of cards which I could feel from the outside of the pack to begin with.

Lots of sticking.

Pretty cool design, I like it. And I got 9 cards instead of the 8.

Wished the cards hadn't stuck together though. They will still go into the non-sport PC regardless and I will some day need to chase down the White House card.

Let me know in comments if you opened any of these before and your thoughts on them and if you have enjoyed the Throwpack Thursday series thus far.

Until the next time!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


When you find out that one of the NBA's All-Time greats has an upcoming SuperStar son, as a card collector, how can you not want to chase a few cards of his? I guess in most circles you would call this prospecting.

Bronny, the son of LeBron James is already playing college ball and on his trail to the pros despite having a scary cardiac arrest back in July of 2023 which hopefully won't play any further role in his life. So far, Bronny is averaging 5.7 points a game for USC. Not mind-blowing numbers, but you can see some of the plays he makes are pro ready ones.

When I found out Bronny had some early cards in products, I wanted to get a jump on a few. Just in case.

Not only was he included in the 2023 Topps Chrome McDonalds All-American Basketball, but he is also in Bowman Chrome U with his very 1st Bowman.
So, I wanted to add one to my collection. Right now they are going pretty cheap.

So cheap that I was able to add this Purple Shimmer

And insert for all under $8 on eBay with some of my gift card.

You read that right.....under $8. If this wasn't a steal, I am not sure what one is.

I am hoping that Bronny will be as good as LeBron, but there is also a lot of pressure when your dad is who he is. A lot of kids of superstars like this struggle to make their own name as they will always be so and so's son until they do.

I hope to add a few more to this collection as time goes on. I also do have the Mcdonald's base card that I got in a trade. Would be fun to add a refractor of it to or any other parallel run to this.

Let me know your thoughts on Bronny in comments.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Upper Deck Is Trying To Hook ME!


It's one of those sports I no longer pay attention to, but feel like I should be because Upper Deck has been putting some great inserts in their hockey products the last few years.

And everyone knows how much I like a well-done insert since we haven't seen those since the 90's/.

When I got my box of inserts from reader Grady M, there was a big stack of hockey inserts/parallels in their. Many of which caught my eye.

I may not know any of the players, but the cards speak for themselves.

Similiar in design and look, but I like them.

This one features a foil background on a rink.

Offset player photo and color along with a glaring shine, this makes me happy.

I used to be one of these, so I get this insert. Or does this insert get me?

I have been collecting the Dazzlers inserts for a few years, one of these times I would love to make a rainbow run on them. They look so great under the light box.

I should choose a player and go chase it.

Next up, Allure is amazing product for parallels. I knew that just from collecting the Marvel version of it.

Not sure what this parallel is called but feels like a birthday party to me.

These may look even better than Prizm, Optic, Select or any product that involves a shiny parallel.

There were a lot more than the ones I showed above in the box, but wanted to highlight some key ones that really stood out to me.

(side note, I am sure blog reader Oren will enjoy this post and my partial excitement towards hockey cards as he has been trying for a few years to get me to the hockey side)

Thanks again to Grady for the mail day. Looking forward to adding more shine to my life this year.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:1995 Topps Mystery Refractor With Rare Peel

Happy Sunday to you all!

Who wants to check out the latest Rodney Hampton card addition to my super PC?

You do!! Well, that's good because here it is!

Today's card is a bit of a rare one. You don't find these too often if not at all.

In 1995, Topps included Mystery Finest and Mystery Finest Refractors in their flagship product. With these being a Mystery card, you didn't normally get to see the card or player until you peel off the black covering.

However, my latest Rodney find, it doesn't have the usual black peeling you would find on those cards. Instead, it has the usual Finest Do Not Peel covering. It's a rare unique card and I have no intention of peeling it off. 

The back of the card is the same along with the front image and refractor. It's just got the Do Not Peel instead of the black covering which makes this one a one of a kind.

This may be one of the most unique and nicest looking oddballs in my Rodney collection and I am not sure if there will ever be another oddball that will top it.

This card arrived to me at Christmas time thanks to my friend Wes, formally of Area40 blog who found it.

Let me know your thoughts on the card in comments and if you have ever seen one before.

Hope you have had a great day!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard: 2023 Certified Green Autograph /5

As I post these Rodney's from 2023 Certified, it got me to thinking that maybe I should break them up some.

So, next week I will begin posting some other Rodney's on and off to mix in with these as I have picked up and added so many new Rodney's recently. And Supposedly I see he may be in 2023 Absolute  football. I will have to confirm this and figure out how he is incorporated into it.

For now, let's check out another new 2023 Certified autograph.
This one is the green parallel /5 and is the lowest numbered one I own. Still waiting on that 1/1 to pop up.

Card back looks the same as the rest.

Here is an overall look at the chase in 2023 Certified for Rodney,
Base /199, Bronze /99, Pink /75, Orange /50, Red /35, Blue /30, Teal /25, Gold /15, Purple /10, Green /5, and Black 1/1.

If you happen to see the 1/1 and I don't, please let me know! Send an email even to or comment below!

Here are the cards I have posted so far from this run,


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:2023 Certified Red Autograph /35

Boy, do I miss Giants football. It's going to be a long wait, but at least Free Agency is coming up along with the draft.

I guess I always have new Rodney's to keep me happy and guess what, one is right here today and it's a new add to my latest run of the 2023 Certified football.

Today's card is the red parallel that is numbered to 35.

Not much to show on the back just like the last card.

Here is an overall look at the chase in 2023 Certified for Rodney,
Base /199, Bronze /99, Pink /75, Orange /50, Red /35, Blue /30, Teal /25, Gold /15, Purple /10, Green /5, and Black 1/1.

There will be more updates to come from this chase. I can say though, the 1/1 has not popped up yet and I keep waiting for it to.  If you see it and I don't, please let me know! Send an email even to

Here are the cards I have posted so far from this run,