Monday, August 7, 2023

Groovy Baby!

Austin Powers is a movie that has plenty of memorable moments, quotable humorous lines and a movie series that will always stand the test of time.

And now I have a piece of that movie in my collection.

I recently grabbed this 2008 Upper Deck A Piece Of Hollywood featuring a swatch of Austin Powers pants worn by Mike Myers from the movie for my non-sport PC.

Back of the card is the certification and pants that the swatch had been taken from.

I really like these relic cards and own quite a few in my collection. I have been wanting to add this one for quite some time and finally found a reasonable one.

Thoughts on my latest add welcomed in comments. Also, let me know if you enjoyed the Austin Powers movies and what your favorite one is from the group is.

Hope you have a great Saturday!


  1. Big fan of this set, so many cool cuts and even more MMA autos!

  2. Too bad they couldn't have a picture from the movie on the card. Way back when Goldmember came out my wife asked me if I wanted to see it in the theaters with her parents and aunt and uncle. I told her sure but this would not be a movie for them, nor for her (she barely tolerated the first one and I don't think she saw the second one). They did not heed my warnings and I was the only one of the 6 who had a good time watching it.
