Thursday, August 10, 2023

Rookie Cards?

Rookie cards are a driving force in the hobby. It's what most collectors seek including this blogger. 

I like to have at least one of each player's rookie card.

But that doesn't just go for sport cards for me, it goes for non-sports as well.

How does one define a rookie card for non-sport though? Well, it's really hard and requires a lot of research.

Most non-sport rookies, like with some sports not named baseball, is their first appearance on a card or on a Panini Sticker. So any film, TV show or something called a Top Trump counts.

Top Trump? Is that a nickname for a former president?

I had no idea what a Top Trump was until I did a little background check on them. Come to find out it's a card game that's been around since 1978. These games cover TV, movies, books, boats, and even musicians which is where I found today's rookie card.
Rhianna is not only a chart topper, but she is also a billionaire businesswoman. 

Here is the back of the card or front? Hmm..the other side of the card? Let's leave it at that.

I have made a list of other Top Trump rookie cards that I need and hope to add someday under my wants list. Most are singers that have some meaning to me. Rhianna is simply a star and has a few hits I enjoy, I also remember a few times joking around with the umbrella song with my wife.

Thoughts on my addition and if you have ever heard of these cards before welcomed in comments.

If you are curious who is on my list of other needs, here is that list,
2015 Top Trumps Katy Perry
2015 Top Trumps Taylor Swift
2015 Top Trumps Miley Cyrus
2003 Top Trumps Avril
2003 Top Trumps Beyoncé
2003 Top Trumps Eminem
2019 Top Trumps Jennifer Lawrence

If you have any of these, please let me know!

Have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't a rookie card for a non-sports person just when they first appear on a card? So like for Jennifer Lawrence it could be one of those Hunger Games cards, or for Beyoncé it could be an Austin Powers card?
