Sunday, March 8, 2020

Rodney's Cardboard:1995 Action Packed Monday Night Footgball Highlights Parallel

It's amazing that I could chase every 1995 version of Action Packed down except for one of Rodney Hampton. One parallel card that fell 1:6 packs eluded me for a long time.

Now, it's finally mine and once again, I overpaid for it just to have it as I wasn't letting it escape from me.

1995 Action Packed Monday Night Football was one of three Action Packed releases in 1995. This one had foil parallels called Highlights that fell 1:6 packs. Rodney had two cards in the base set and I did find the base version Highlights but the subset eluded me for awhile.

Until it popped up on COMC that seems to house most of the needed Rodney's for me.

The card is simply foil covering the front.

And the word Highlights engraved into the back

I have been a long standing fan of Action Packed so adding this one was pretty sweet in two ways.

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