Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Covid-19's Hobby Impact For Me

As I sit at home day after day, I am noticing how much of an impact that the Coronavirus-aka Covid-19-is having on my hobby both in a negative and positive way.

Sadly, the negative outweighs the positive for my collecting.

For positive, it's giving me plenty of time to keep up with blogging, some PC numbers, and especially sorting to a certain extent. I have also been contemplating another blog again, this time to stay.

For negative, well, let's start a bullet list.
  • I am running low on penny sleeves to put away some of my sorting and don't expect to be able to get any for awhile. Which leaves my card area a complete disaster.
  • I made my official last post office run last week til all of this is blown over. With that being said, my usual trades and bigger trades are all put on hold for who knows how long. So for those of you working on a trade with me currently or down the road, keep this in mind.
  • I have roughly 6 stamps left to do some PWE trading. I owe a couple of those out already so that leaves me with really four stamps to continue to get a few mail days out of for the months ahead.
  • I won't be doing any Reviews on here for who knows how long as companies have stopped sending them for now.
  • Without being able to mail and have reviews, contests will come to a halt and everyone knows how much I love to give back.
  • Without reviews, being able to get trades in, this will also leave an impact on my blogging at some point as I will run out of things to post. I have some posts already drafted to cover a couple more weeks but who knows what happens after that.
Covid-19 has definetely left its mark on my collecting life as you can see and I am sure I am not alone when it comes to this.

As for life in general outside of the hobby, things are pretty positive. We have enough food, supplies and a roof over our heads to keep us going. My wife hasn't fortunately brought anything home from working as a nurse in a nursing home (another blessing is that she still has a job as I know many have lost theirs right now) and we live in an area where the cases haven't gotten too crazy yet.

It is certainly a weird time we are living in. I never expected to go through any of this in my lifetime but it's happening and very real. It is odd not to be able to see family, go into stores, or even handle the mail and open it immediately, etc. Some days I can handle all of it just fine, and others, well, just are depressing. Something I use my faith to help lift me up another day.

I wish everyone who is reading this the best. Stay healthy, wash your hands and most of all, STAY HOME PLEASE. Let's set an example and move on from this soon. I have a feeling we are still months away but it will be longer if you can't follow simple instructions.

Oh, and if you have to go out for necessities and see one of those idiots licking grocery carts or a metal pole on a subway train with the #CoronaChallenge, hit them for me. It will make both of us feel better.

Take care everyone and let me know what impacts this virus as had on your hobby life/life in comments or reply to this on Twitter.

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