Sunday, February 1, 2015

Breakin Wax:1991 Upper Deck Baseball Pack Break

It's always fun to bust older Upper Deck products, especially baseball. The one thing you can always count on in an Upper Deck pack is quality and fun photography. For me, it also means trying to add more Griffey and Yankee PC adds.

In every pack of 1991 Upper Deck Baseball is 15 cards. Most packs you can find for $1.

The base cards have a border and look very similar to the successful 1989 and 1990 editions design. The photographs are not really action packed, but are fun. I always enjoy looking at the photography.

Yankee add!

This could be an upcoming Caption This card....

Colbrunn rookie and my man, Griffey Jr!!

And a hologram. Love these!
Overall, this pack had me at Griffey. That's all I really needed. But, the fun photography also helps with the rest of the base cards and makes for a great break.

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