Sunday, May 12, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:2023 Certified Bronze Autograph /99

Today is the final run on the 2023 Certified Rodney Hamptons. Then I will have to change things up a bit. I have actually plenty to choose from for once.

Today's final one from this chase is a Bronze parallel. These are numbered to 99. You don't see a lot of bronze parallels to autograph cards or that I have seen anyways in my chases.

Card back looks the same as the rest in the series. I know you are sick of seeing and reading this part by now.

Here is an overall look at the chase in 2023 Certified for Rodney,
Base /199Bronze /99Pink /75, Orange /50Red /35Blue /30Teal /25, Gold /15, Purple /10, Green /5, and Black 1/1.

Here are the cards I have posted so far from this run which is everything except the 1/1.






Onto other greener grounds for Rodney next week. Hope to see you back!

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