Friday, May 31, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:2023 Spectra Neon Pink Autograph /15

It's time for another new Rodney!

Once again, we are taking a look at another Spectra add.

Today's is Pink, Neon Pink. Probably one I should have saved for showing off in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but I will show it off a few months early.
The front is a wavy pink color.

These parallels are numbered to 15.

Here is the overall look at what I am seeking and what I have,

Signatures Gold   1
Signatures Nebula   2
Signatures Neon Marble  4
Signatures Psychedelic  5
Signatures Neon Splatter   8
Signatures Neon Orange   10
Signatures Neon Pink   15
Signatures Meta   25
Signatures Neon Green   35
Signatures Neon Blue   50
Signatures Hyper   60
Signatures Celestial 75
Signatures    199

Quite a few knocked off so far, but still have a road to travel with this chase with so many low numbered ones.

Let me know your thoughts on my chase so far in comments today. Have a great day!

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