Monday, May 27, 2024

Rodney's Cardboard:2023 Spectra Neon Blue Autograph /50

 With so many Rodney's released in 2023, I am having to shift gears all over when it comes to posting these.

I am as surprised as you are with all of these new Rodney's.

With Spectra being a $1K per box product, I am not sure how many Rodney's I will be finding from this chase. There is a whopping 13 to chase. THIRTEEN. Many of which are low numbered.

Today, I am kicking it off with one that falls in the middle, sort of.

The Team color matched Neon Blue

is numbered to 50. But, for once, these cards feature a small writeup about the player and doesn't have the usual boring backing.

Here is the overall look at what I am seeking. I do have five of the chase so far in hand and will cross them off as I post them the next few weeks.

Signatures Gold   1
Signatures Nebula   2
Signatures Neon Marble  4
Signatures Psychedelic  5
Signatures Neon Splatter   8
Signatures Neon Orange   10
Signatures Neon Pink   15
Signatures Meta   25
Signatures Neon Green   35
Signatures Neon Blue   50
Signatures Hyper   60
Signatures Celestial 75
Signatures    199

There are four more to post about in this chase that I have.

I have other thoughts on this chase to. First off, who can afford a 1K box and two, can you imagine breaking a box and ending up with a Rodney Hampton as one of your big hits....OUCH. Doesn't seem like the kind of product you add a player like this in.

Now I want your thoughts on that in comments!

1 comment:

  1. Nice card! I can't even begin to wrap my mind around a box that sells for $1000. Seriously? Have fun in the chase.
