Monday, April 6, 2020

The Two Jo(h)ns

I found the fact that I got two mail days from two different blogger Jo(h)ns in the same day was quite funny to me. I don't think that has ever happened before. The name is as common as Matt is across the blogosphere.

First up, my winnings from the BFG I was in at Johnny's Trading Spot. I sadly didn't get to choose a number or make a steal because I wasn't awake at the time the game was being played. I also would have to be on my laptop to comment as my phone doesn't allow blog comments even on my own. Hopefully next time I jump in I will be ready or maybe send an email when it's my turn.

I miss cereal cards in boxes. I think marketing things like that in food will help grab kids attentions. I know Topps has done some food things the past couple of years but it's time for Panini and Upper Deck to step up their game more.

Thanks for the Post cards Johnny and yes I realized there was another one hiding behind one of these after taking this pic and uploading it.

Next mail day is from Jon over at A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts.
Along with some claims on Free Friday, I also was sent some Giants including some older ones I didn't have.

I am always looking to add to my vintage or oddballs collection for baseball. I don't really have any vintage in general. The Yaz was a nice add.


Another hologram...I don't ever turn down some good holograms. One of the greatest hobby innovations ever! Sadly though, nobody uses it today. I am talking about you Upper Deck!!!

You know this card is bad, it's bad, you know it. Sorry wrong Michael Jackson but right card for my 1998 Topps Chrome refractor chase.

And final card was a nice 1999 Fleer Ultra Gold Medallion of Kerry Collins. Not sure where Jon found this one, but it makes me happy!

Thanks Jon for the awesome mail day! Hopefully can finally pack your return surprise up and send it out this week.

Check this out too↓↓↓↓

Everybody Loves Shiny

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