Thursday, September 19, 2019

Unsolved Mysteries Episode 5:Season Finale

This blog post series is about unraveling unsolved mysteries from a card lot my mother-in-law bought me from an estate sale. What you are about to see isn't a breaking news broadcast or some new releases. There is a lot to go through here so whenever possible, I will try to condense down some of the graphics and whenever possible, real cards from the actual lot (well all of them are from the actual lot but let's have some fun with it) will be used for pictures.

Someone, somewhere can help me uncover the mysteries within this lot. Let's take a look and maybe one of you, will help me solve some mysteries.

*insert creepy music and theme song*

The location is still completely unknown where my Mother In Law went to grab this lot of sports cards other than it was a Estate Sale. Belief is, it was somewhere isolated as nobody grabbed them before she did. It may be the only explanation on why someone wouldn't have grabbed this lot before she showed up three hours after it started. Or maybe it was because the cards were more than they were expecting? Or was it a government conspiracy? I guess we will have to tune in to today's round and maybe you can help solve this mystery.
Today marks the season finale of Unsolved Mysteries as we have reached the final part of the lot my mother in law bought. But, like with all season finales, there is always something exciting to see. So let's unravel a mystery.
The GOAT. I think I needed both of these

Clyde seems scared in this photo, but why...

Who leaves a Steve Francis refractor behind? Who leaves behind a refractor in general.....

Doug had a few marks left on him. Scratches, scrapes on the card. Why.....

Randomly tossed in numbered gold cards.....

USA Pride thrown into a yard sale box leads to many suspicions...

Ken Griffey Jr's that were all knew. It appears that maybe I was a target in this lot.

This was a mysterious find for sure. However, the biggest mystery is why someone left it in a box where it got stuck like a brick in a stack of cards causing some minor damage to it. Poor Albert....

Names like Kobe

And Duncan just left behind. How can you leave behind inserts like this?

And why wouldn't have you turned in this redemption and wonder if Upper Deck would still honor it?

Dale Jr die cut insert from Press Pass

Bobby Labonte. the only card of him in the whole lot

Another Dale Jr...

Michael is creepingly looking at this firesuit swatch. Something isn't right on this card.

A couple of randomly found baseball jersey cards.

Henry Ellard from a set I didn't see one card of in the lot. Great signature but where did you come from...

Ryan Newman appears to be afraid of his question is..why

With so many Dale Sr cards, was this guy a collector of him? did he hold up three fingers on lap three? I didn't call this unsolved mysteries for nothing.

If Press Pass made beautiful cards like this and much better looking ones than the market has now, how did they fail and have to get done?

This does it for Episode five the season finale of Unsolved Mysteries. There is a lot of unexplained findings here with even more mysteries to unravel. Tune in next time for a possible new season and Perhaps YOU, can help solve a mystery.

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