*Deep Voice* This is the continuation of one mans search for a 1997 Stadium Club Co-Signer Rodney Hampton/Anthony Johnson autograph card. The card stands as the White Whale to his Rodney Hampton PC. With no leads, no answers and no visual of the card ever in the history of him and others, does it exist? Does he even exist? Many deep questions were raised. Let's continue this journey for the search of the White Whale....
The sun rose on another day and I was no closer to my search of the missing Rodney Hampton card. I kept searching all over to try and locate the card and checked daily online. Well, at least three times a day.
I even checked when I went on vacation for the day. I searched the waters high and low. Questioned those on the beach and even asked the locals and card shop owner if they have seen the card. NOTHING.

So I thoughtto myself. What haven't I done yet to try and locate this card? Well, there was one quick answer. I hadn't time traveled yet. Well, I knew I couldn't really time travel, even though that would have been pretty stinkin' awesome. I thought about using my photographic memory, well, not really since I am in my mid 30's and some of that isn't as clear as it used to be, I used photographs to take me back to a time when collecting cards was so much simpler than searching for one I may never find. I was hoping these photographs would help me find hope but also some 90's inspiration.
So I traveled way back to when I was a kid visiting a Christmas themed park. But, that was too early in my life to focus on something late 90's. However, it was a fun trip back remembering going on all of the water rides I wouldn't even dare to go on now with my fear of heights, motion sickness and just overall fear. This park still stands today and I actually go on and off to it. But, mostly now for the food.
With no photos really in-between for memories closer to 1997 which I hoped I had something from that time that would give me that 1997-feel, I had to move past that year in hopes there was some inspiration in these photos somewhere. My parents weren't one for taking photographs so a lot of my youth is missed in photos.
So I took it forward to 1998ish where I saw Britney Spears in concert. Yes, Britney. My friend and I had a mad crush on her. She was the hottest thing since the hottest thing arrived. The concert was also supposed to feature 98 degree but one of the band members was sick so it was all Brit and we were fine with that. This was my very first concert to by the way and my friend and I spent the summer shoveling manure on fields to earn the money to go and see her.

Move a year ahead and I am in 1999 at Fenway. Yes a Yankee fan at Fenway. This was actually a high school rewards trip and my reward was being in school wearing my Yankees garb at Fenway watching the Mariners and Red Sox. That day I got to see Randy Johnson pitch, Ken Griffey Jr hit and a sad, sad comeback from the Red Sox with a Mo Vaughn Grand Slam. It was my first ever baseball game.

I gotta admit I was a tad more jealous of my sister who got to go to the Old Yankee Stadium for her trip. She got to see the Yanks vs the Blue Jays. I have never been to Yankees Stadium old or new. At least she took many pictures for me.
Fast forward a couple more years and I was in Montreal to watch the Expos and Red Sox. It was the coolest experience to be able to walk onto the field pregame in Olympic Stadium and have a picture even taken in the dugout. I got to watch Vlad that day as well and Hideo Nomo pitch.

In 2002, was my second concert. I got to watch Sugar Ray, well that was more for my wife, and I got to see Michelle Branch. I was this close to buying her a water. She didn't have a drink on stage and wanted some water so a guy beat me to it by seconds and bought her one from a vendor who brought it to her on stage. Michelle's performance was good, but underwhelming compared to the sights, sounds and noise of Sugar Ray. wow.

I even looked back at my wife and I first two cats who both passed last year. They brought me to a smile with warm memories of their weirdness. One would literally sit in a corner with his tongue hanging out.

I ended my trip back right there. I could have gone for more or gone back to some of the years I already visited, but decided the cats were a good stopping point. They helped cheer me up and get me out of a funk. I was once again motivated to search.
But, not until I had some goodies for lunch. I made the pizza by hand as I always do with my homemade crust and no I wasn't going to eat all of this alone. If I did, my Dr would get on my case for my fatty liver (I was diagnosed with it because I am told to be overweight-not because I drink because I have never had a drink ever-even though it doesn't feel that way)
Would this trip back in time help keep me going on this search forever? Or will I fold here at some point? It's too hard to tell but the search continues!
(by the way, Happy New Years Eve! Stay safe and make smart decisions)
(by the way, Happy New Years Eve! Stay safe and make smart decisions)
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