Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Giants Cardboard: TCov's Surprise

Twitter is full of friends from near to afar for me. @tcovcards11 is far but one of the nearest friends I have being only a state away.

Once again he hit me with an amazing RAK.

Up first are a pair of LT's. One is the base insert Banner Season and the other is Banner Season Green parallel which really stands out. Everyone knows me and shiny cards.

A new Eli for the collection. Trying to continue to grow my Eli collection whenever I can and however I can.

A good mix of G-men in here from both past and present and some Rodney's I did have. But, I don't mind because if they are in better condition then the ones I have they replace those.


Two Andre Brown autographs for the Giants autograph collection. I can't remember if I have either of these but will check that out when I start to organize my Giants hits by player. When it comes to Giants hits and relics in my collection, I will take dupes, triples and how many ever.

And finally, I never get sick of seeing this card. I do have multiple copies of it but each copy is unique in it's own way as the autographs are different, as they should be, on each one. This one may be one of the better signed ones I have so it will replace the main one I have for that collection.

Big thanks to @TcovCards11 for the mail day! You're a great friend from near and afar!

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