Monday, November 30, 2020

25 Days Of Cardmas Preview

Christmas is by far my favorite holiday year in and year out.

The joy, the scents and meaning of the holiday (the birth of Jesus) all contribute to my passion for it. My grandmother who has longed passed also had her birthday on Christmas and she meant a lot to me and was the person who made me who I am today. Combine all of that and you have a real life Clark Griswold right here.

With this years holiday expected to look much different for me (and everyone else thanks to Covid), I wanted to add some more cheer to it. For me, it means no Black Friday shopping in stores, no family coming up from other states (which we always had a blast ordering food out, playing board games like Balderdash, experiencing a church led "birth of Jesus" celebration, and watching our annual National Lampoons Christmas Vacation together. Add in the so many laughs that you can't count them on all of our hands combined) and most likely a lot less gifts though that's not what the season is about. I will miss time with the family the most.

With all of that, I know we need some more excitement in our lives to help us celebrate this great holiday. That what led me to hosting a 25 Days Of Cardmas (name pending) in which I will be posting a Christmas related card for 25 days of December. 

This card or cards will be either posted with an item in my house that is Christmas related (I try to deck it all out as much as I can so I have plenty to show off ) or a memory about a Christmas I had or a song ,movie or even food I enjoy during the time. I hope to do a nice mix of everything so you get a look at what Christmas means to me.

If this all turns out successful, you can call this an annual celebration.

This also means no mail day postings that are non Christmas related for those 25 days or anything else non Christmas. Those will resume on December 26th.

All of this kicks off tomorrow, December 1st, along with a very red and green blog update as I change it again for the holiday season. That update will most likely take place later on tonight.

I hope everyone has as much fun with this as I know I will and hope you all will chime in with your thoughts on each post as well.

As Andy Williams says, It's the holiday season, So hoop-de-do and hickory dock.....and don't forget to hang up your sock' ....Cause just exactly at 12 o'clock....He'll be coming down the chimney, down.

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