Saturday, August 29, 2015

90's Flashback:1998-1999 Crown Royale Martin Brodeur

Crown Royale was one of my favorites in the 90's and just like yesterday, it was another top notch release done by Pacific. They seemed to know how to make cards and especially great base cards. If only they could have survived. I think great things would have come from them in today's market.

I have always been a fan of the crown die cut no matter how they positioned it. I am happy that Panini revived the product.

I acquired this Brodeur via trade with my father like some of the other hockey ones in the 90's I have recently been posting about. I still have more to go.

I must also note, that 90's Flashback will go away for a bit as I transition to a new way to display 90's cards. I am far behind on shout outs and stuff to show off so will have a new post that will be featured on Saturday's. When I am caught up,this form will return unless the other form is more popular.

1 comment:

  1. I still have issues putting these damn CR cards into penny sleeves.
